Short version: It's AMAZING. Just get it.
Long version: Full confession? I hesitate to buy any makeup at all because I am not a daily makeup wearer and typically throw away more that has expired than I ever use, largely because I don't like the way it feels as the day wears on. In general I am a "highly sensitive person" and this reflects both in my overreactive skin *sigh* and my heightened sense of smell. Even "unscented products" begin to annoy me given a couple of hours. I have tried a variety of mineral foundations and other all natural & EU compliant brands, but none compare to VRAI.
When I first put it on it was lightweight, aroma free, and very nicely blended my skin tones, even covering some light veins in my 48 year old face. I wondered how long I would feel this way.
As the day wore on it didn't ever get annoying or "get this off of me NOW," which is wonderfully unusual for me. It just felt good! Honestly, I forgot about it unless I was looking in the mirror when washing my hands throughout the day. And again, that is AMAZING!
But what most surprised me was "the morning after" effect. LOL I couldn't stop touching my morning, freshly washed faced because it was so smooth and soft despite changing nothing else in my skin routine. My skin LOVES this foundation.